As I read various blogs and websites about the pros and cons of organic farming and the consumer, I found myself asking, is it worth being an organic based company since the cost of being organic is 50% more than the conventional? Then I started to look at things a little differently. The first place to start is defining what is exactly "organic"? According to the FDA CFR 205.2 and the Organic Food Act of 1990. Orgainc farming is not just about avoiding the use chemicals and other synthetics. Its about Crop Diversity by not being a "monoculture" or a single mass production farmer but instead farming a variety a crops. Soil Management by replenishing the soils nutrients with the natural breakdown of organic matter like "thermophilic composting" and or "green manure". Weed Management when organic farmer rotate crops it has phototoxic effect and stop the growth of weeds. Other methods are tilling, mowing or cutting, thermal weeding, and mulching. Controlling other organisms through the use of natural methods like rotating crops, the use of traps, pest regulating plants, and crop row covers.
Now what should all this mean to you and me? It means NO Genetically Engineered Foods or Frankenfoods. TThe FDA and US Dept Agriculture gave carte blanche to Monsanto, the worlds leading chemical company and lobbyist of GEF (genetically engineered foods). With the passing of the "Monsanto Protection Act" allows Monsanto to operate without accountability and if someone dies from using Monsanto's products, Monsanto cannot be held liable. Who's Monsanto? Do you ever read the ingredients label and see the words " Natural Flavors" that my friends is a flavoring chemical a chemical created to deceive you, a chemical that was created in a lab most likely at Monsanto. Chemicals that have been proven to cause cancer and other ailments. They add these to our food supply without disclosure. Even the flour you buy could come from a genetically modified plant and you didn't even know. Just recently the Japanese have stopped the import of American wheat due to genetic modification. This is a country who recently that had one of the worlds most horrific nuclear disasters.
My thoughts are, If the FDA, Dept Agri, and any other fed regulators want to introduce GEF's to our food supply it should be disclosed to the consumer. Give us a choice and let us make the decision of what we want to put in our bodies. Until then only way to avoid GEF is to buy organic.
So in closing to answer my own question. Yes! Eating organic to me is not only a healthier way to eat but a more importantly it's a more responsible way to live. Most Organic Food are produced locally and this practice helps support your local community. At Boston Brownie Company we use 100% organic ingredients and 90% of our ingredients are locally sourced from New England. This is how I define Boston Brownie Company ~ "We are organic lifestyle company the just happens to sell brownies". It sounds a little corny but it couldn't be more true see for your self.
Thanks for reading
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