Friday, November 29, 2013

Broma Brownie Co. Changes its name to Broma Brownie Co. and why?

Hi all

We recently went under a brand name change from Boston Brownie Co. to Broma Brownie Co. I want to take the time to explain why. 

During a recent demo a colleague mentioned that there was a Boston Brownie Co back in the 80's & 90's and asked if we were related? Completely unaware & taken off guard we conducted some research with the help of legal counsel. It was determined that there was a Boston Brownie Co that ended 20 years ago in a slew of lawsuits and accusations of alleged improprieties. Once we learnt of these issues and the lack luster reputation that preceded them we thought it was in our best interest to preserve our integrity and complete disassociate us with them and change our name. As much as we love our city and hated to let the name go, it was just the right thing to do. 

Therefore we are now branded as "Broma Brownie Co."  (and we trademarked it). Why Broma and what does it mean? Broma is short for theobroma, Latin translation "Food of the Gods" and if you've ever had our brownies you know exactly what that means. In addition the theobroma plant is a type of species that produces the worlds best cacao. And since we use America's best nuance organic chocolate made from the theobroma cacao plant we think it's a perfect fit!!! See our brownies are loaded with organic chocolate, REAL Chocolate, chocolate made from pure cacao liquor & not coco powder or chocolate made from coco powder. In addition we use locally sourced organic ingredients like Vermont grade aa organic butter & Cage Free Organic Eggs from Massachusetts. 

We are available in all the same local stores like Savenors Boston and Cambridge, Craft Beer Cellars (Belmont, Winchester, Newton, & Braintree), Pemberton Farms N. Cambridge, Fenmore American Bistro & Boston Foodie Tours (by request) Oh & don't forget our online shop we can deliver anywhere in the cont. USA. 

Now that this behind us we can continuing on creating the most indulgent fudge brownies you'll ever have. 

Thanks for ready and your continued support. We are a Boston Original. 

Derek Wilson
Broma Brownie Co:
Facebook: Broma Brownie Co

Friday, June 28, 2013


As a wicked new company we're always looking to hear feed back and editorial press. Since we've been in business for such a short period (2 months) of time I like to take a moment to recap some of the where were, accolades, and customer feed back we've received

Savenors Markets Boston/Cambridge
V. Cirace and Sons North End Boston in conjunction with Sogno di Sorrento

Kenmore Sq Hotel to open the end of July 2013

Boston Bites Back
Taste Of Cambridge July 11th 2013 Weather Permitted 

Press / Accolades
Just Add Cheese
Gluten Free Boston Girl - Coming Soon

What our customer have been saying





We want to give you the best we can and were always striving to be creative and unique. We want to give the basics plus some of the most unique combinations that when eaten the flavors makes sense. Like our JWB bacon brittle brownie or our Jeffersons SBB and Bing Cherry. We are committed using the best ingredients you can buy. We use local organic dairy, eggs, and flour, organic fair trade American made chocolate (not cocoa powder) and American produced organic sugar. Our Cacao is grown on a single source farm in Ecuador, that produces a very rare type of cacao bean unavailable to any other Boston Brownie Baker which results in a super-fudgey brownies that will satisfy the inner chocolate snob in all of us. 

Happy Eating

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Why Should You Buy Organic? Here's Why!

As I read various blogs and websites about the pros and cons of organic farming and the consumer, I found myself asking, is it worth being an organic based company since the cost of being organic is 50% more than the conventional? Then I started to look at things a little differently. The first place to start is defining what is exactly "organic"? According to the FDA CFR 205.2 and the Organic Food Act of 1990. Orgainc farming is not just about avoiding the use chemicals and other synthetics. Its about Crop Diversity by not being a "monoculture" or a single mass production farmer but instead farming a variety a crops. Soil Management by replenishing the soils nutrients with the natural breakdown of organic matter like  "thermophilic compostingand or "green manure". Weed Management when organic farmer rotate crops it has phototoxic effect and stop the growth of weeds. Other methods are tilling, mowing or cutting, thermal weeding, and mulching. Controlling other organisms through the use of natural methods like rotating crops, the use of traps, pest regulating plants, and crop row covers.  

Now what should all this mean to you and me? It means NO Genetically Engineered Foods or Frankenfoods. TThe FDA and US Dept Agriculture gave carte blanche to Monsanto, the worlds leading chemical company and lobbyist of GEF (genetically engineered foods).  With the passing of the "Monsanto Protection Act" allows Monsanto to operate without accountability and if someone dies from using Monsanto's products, Monsanto cannot be held liable. Who's Monsanto? Do you ever read the ingredients label and see the words " Natural Flavors" that my friends is a flavoring chemical a chemical created to deceive you, a chemical that was created in a lab most likely at Monsanto. Chemicals that have been proven to cause cancer and other ailments. They add these to our food supply without disclosure. Even the flour you buy could come from a genetically modified plant and you didn't even know.  Just recently the Japanese have stopped the import of American wheat due to genetic modification. This is a country who recently that had one of the worlds most horrific nuclear disasters. 

My thoughts are, If the FDA, Dept Agri, and any other fed regulators want to introduce GEF's to our food supply it should be disclosed to the consumer. Give us a choice and let us make the decision of what we want to put in our bodies. Until then only way to avoid GEF is to buy organic. 

So in closing to answer my own question. Yes! Eating organic to me is not only a healthier way to eat but a more importantly it's  a more responsible way to live. Most Organic Food are produced locally and this practice helps support your local community. At Boston Brownie Company we use 100% organic ingredients and 90% of our ingredients are locally sourced from New England.  This is how I define Boston Brownie Company ~ "We are organic lifestyle company the just happens to sell brownies". It sounds a little corny but it couldn't be more true see for your self. 

Thanks for reading

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Pork Nation - A Downward Not So Glazed Spiral! But there's Hope

A subject matter that has almost absolutely nothing to do with the brownie baking biz, but maybe some what indirectly. The state of pork in this country is  on a downward spiral (pardon the pun). With Shaunghui - Smithfield deal happening the fear that this Chinese company is going to continue its unethical practices by secretly feeding & tainting their pigs with chemicals and synthetic drugs to make them larger. This is a company that recently dumped 16,000 dead diseased pigs and 1 million dead diseased ducks in the Jiapingtang, a tributary of the Huangpu river which supplies drinking water to Shanghai, a city of over 23 million people. Yes these people are buying Smithfeild. The Horror!  The reason Shaunghui is buying Smithfield is for the ever declining pork supply in China. Most of the pigs are tainted and unfit for "HUMAN" consumption (I'd watch out where Fido's & Fluffy's food comes from), and no Gov. oversight. Hence why China is coming to America. Only time will tell, but for the one thing I can tell you is, this guy will never buy anything raised or grown in China. 

The best way to protect you and your loved ones against this type of problem is very simple, buy local. Use farmers that raise their pigs ethically and humanly. Attached is a link to some of Massachusetts best and most reputable pork, beef, & poultry farmers as seen on Porkkeez (A directory of local farmer or pork and other live stock). One of my favorites is  Christian Hill Farm. They raise Berkshire and Gloucestershire Old Spots which are highly sought after for the flavor and texture and its what I use for our Johnnie Walker Blue Bacon Brittle Brownie. These pigs are feed an all natural diet and are slow grown, they are free to roam the 10 mixed woodland and pasture and the 2nd best thing is the a privately family owned and operated farm. These animals are raised with respect and dignity unlike big companies. You can even raise your own. See More About "What it means" to Christian Hill Farm. 

So what does this have to do with brownies? See to me its not the product we bake or what we raise, or grow, it's how we do it!  With determination and drive to provide our community with honest all natural no chemicals high quality foods and ingredients that have be raise and produced locally. This is how we change the standard. 
Thanks For Reading

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Delicious uses for left over vanilla beans

I believe in the "nose to tail" movement, when I was at Marco Cucina Romana in Boston's North End we practiced it. Nothing went to waste, we made stocks, amuse bouche, and salumi from offal. Applying these practices when baking brownies is quit different. When we bake brownies we don't have any waste! Accept for one thing, spent vanilla bean pods. And since the vanilla bean is the second most expensive spice just behind saffron we thought of a couple of ways on how to use spent vanilla beans highlighting some of its natural characteristics. 

Make home made vanilla extract. We love making our own vanilla extract, we know whats in it and we know its quality. So what we do is: Get 1 cup of amber rum and add 3 - 4 pods and bring to a simmer. Once it reaches a simmer remove from the heat and let it stand for 30 - 40 mins. Remove the vanilla beans  and you can use it just like that or you can reduce it to a honey like consistency. Its great for baking and cocktails. The next you have a margarita add a little, you'll love it.

Another favorite is Vanilla Sugar. Take your beans and 2-3 cups of sugar, place them in a ziplock bag and let them sit for a few days. The long they sit the more vanilla flavor you'll get. A nice addition to your morning coffee or another layer of flavor for when you bake.  

Vanilla Liquor! Take 4 - 6 pods add them to a bottle of tequila (my favorite), vodka and or rum. Enhances cocktails amazingly. 

So these are just a few ways you can use left over vanilla beans. Enjoy!

Thanks for reading
Happy Eating

Friday, May 31, 2013

How We Do Gluten Free

Okay so I get a lot of question about gluten free. Like most bakers and restaurants we do not have a "gluten free kitchen" but we take the following precautions to create a gluten free environment.

1. Dedicated Equipment: We have equipment solely dedicated for gluten free baking. Pans, utensils, measuring cups, etc... 

2. Sanitize: We sanitize every surface from top to bottom before during and after baking.

3. Got To Keep Em Separated: We store gluten free ingredients and equipment separately from non-gluten free items.

4. Gluten Free Bakes First: We bake gluten free first every time. Eliminates airborne and residual flour contamination.

5. Our Gluten Free Mix: We use a proprietary blend Cassava Flour (yucca) and Organic Coconut Flour. We don't like Sorghum flour, it taste and like sh!t in comparison! And why should you have sacrifice taste just because your gluten free? Our gluten free brownies taste just like our regular brownies but sightly more dense. 

6. Shipping wholesale: Once again we ship gluten free brownies in separate containers even though they are individually wrapped and heat sealed.

At BBC we take Celiac disease very seriously and we take every precaution we can. Unfortunately we can never guarantee a gluten free environment. On our labels it says "*not made in a gluten free kitchen" for the consumers safety and ours.  We don't have to put it on there according to FDA but we do anyway. To quote Henry Ford "quality means doing it right when nobodies looking" When talking about BBC the only thing I would change is Integrity for Quality. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps shine some light on how we do gluten free. Happy Eating!

Our Brownies are available at:

More Info on Celiac Disease Visit:


My Allergen Awareness Training Cert. 

Our Dark Chocolate Gluten Free Brownies

Saturday, May 25, 2013


At BBC we do not just sell brownies! We sell a life style! An organic wholesome lifestyle. See the difference from us and everyone else is we are a catering to a person who has a passion for food, music, wine, craft beer, old school mixology and a sense of community. Someone who has appreciation for the effort and time we put into our craft.  We use the best organic ingredients known to man. We support our local businesses and give back to our community. We have participated in Boston Bakes For Breast CancerBoston Bites Back (a chef driven benefit to support The One Fund) and we donate 5% sales to the MSPCA. We also take pride the heritage of the brownie. Did you know that the brownie was first invented in Boston and made its first appearence in the Boston Cooking School Cookbook 1896. We thought it was a shame the brownie was not properly represented in Boston. We thought it was odd to say the least then we looked into it further and came to the conclusion that are so many brownie companies out there that serve a inferior product. A 2 1/2 inch thick brick made from cocoa powder & copious amount of sugar, refined sugar at that! And eggs from a carton! Its no wonder no one could trust in what they were buying. Try our brownies an taste the difference! A difference you can see and taste. Our brownies are available at Savenors Markets and

Monday, May 6, 2013

How to taste Chocolate

If you love chocolate as much as I do then here are some tips to get the most out of your chocolate tasting experience. 

Stay away from chocolate that contains Palm Oil it makes chocolate "waxy". Good chocolate melts evenly & smoothly in  your mouth. 

My favorite producer is TCHO in San Francisco and this is how they recommend to taste chocolate.  Enjoy!

TCHO Chocolate Tips On How To Taste Chocolate:
We take all aspects of chocolate pretty seriously, including the way we taste it! Want to taste like we do? Follow these six steps and prepare to enter a whole new world of chocolate.

1. Look at the color of the chocolate even and consistent? Does it have a shiny finish? Let your mind think about devouring it, before it even touches your lips.

2. Listen Up! Your ears are another tool that can assess the quality of chocolate. Bring the piece of chocolate to your ear, and break it- what do you hear? When you snap a piece of good chocolate into two, listen for a clean, bright, snapping sound.

3. Smell shapes what you taste. Warm up the choco
late a bit by rubbing it in between your fingers -- releasing aromas directly tied to flavor notes. Rub, inhale and note the aromas.

4. Taste your chocolate! But don't chew... just let it melt. Many complex flavor notes can be found in every bite of chocolate, what you taste is completely unique to your palate; there is no wrong answer! So, what do you taste?

5. Feel the texture of the chocolate in your mouth. As it continues to melt, note what it actually feels like. A high quality chocolate will be smooth and silky.

6. Aftertaste, or the end flavor notes of a chocolate can be very different than those in the beginning. It's not uncommon for the flavor and feel of a chocolate to change while tasting. Also, the length, or amount of time, you experience flavor can be an indication of quality as well.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Broma Brownie Company why our brownies are the best.

Now that  Broma Brownie Company is online ( we wanted to touch on why we think we have the best mail order brownies or just the best brownies period. We do not use artificial ingredients. We use 100% fair trade organic American made dark chocolate. The cacao is from a Theobroma Cacao tree, Why is that important? Theobroma cacao is full of Theobromine a stimulant that aids in the production dopamine which gives you that feeling of happiness. In addition to theobromine there is powerful antioxidant called flavonoids. Flavonoids are naturally found in raw cacao butter, they posses anti-inflammatory properties and are also believed to have artery cleansing properties. These elements cannot be found in cocoa powder. Why? because its been processed and refined. Cocoa powder is chocolate minus cocoa butter which makes cocoa powder very bitter and requires addition sugars and dairy solids or synthetics made from oil to make it palatable and moist. Now I'm not saying that our brownies are gong to make you healthier but its more to let you know we have knowledge, over 40 yrs knowledge and we want to share that knowledge. We want you to know we will never use cocoa powder, dry egg product, dried milk product, & preservatives like the big brownie companies. We believe in giving our customer the best American high quality organic fair trade dark chocolate full of its healthy properties, local organic dairy from New England,  organic flour from New England, cage free eggs from Massachusetts, organic fair trade sugar, & organic vanilla from Massachusetts. To sum it up in one word, Integrity! Integrity in our ingredients, integrity in our business practices. See we're not afraid to list our ingredients truthfully so when you buy or give a Boston's Broma Brownie Company brownie know that your buying confidence in the most moist, rich, indulging brownie ever. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Chocolate and Beer

What kind of beer goes with dark chocolate you ask? Here are some of my recommendations. Chocolate being one of my three favorite things in life the 2nd is beer, the third, well I leave that to use your imagination but it also goes great with chocolate. I have been pairing wine and chocolate for 20 years but never with beer until about a year ago. The first thing is selecting the chocolate. Choosing a high quality chocolate, with a high cacao percentage is king. Other factors like the location i.e.  Brazil, Peru, Ghana being leaders in high quality fair trade cacao. I prefer my chocolate to contain 66% cacao or more. My favorite is chocolate producer is TCHO based out of San Francisco. TCHO 66%  it is smooth with hints of dried cherries, currants and coffee. When pairing a chocolate of this caliber I would suggest a sour ale like a Flanders Red such as Rodenbach Grand Cru with a sour cherry and toffee accents or a Stout like Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout or the The Abyss - Deschutes American Double / Imperial Stout with accents of cacao, chocolate, toffee, coffee and caramel, it's an excellent pairing. Belgian Tripel's like St Bernardus Tripel  will also make a excellent chocolate companion the tartness of the beer will accent the dried fruits and cacao and make them come alive.

As you can see there are plenty of options for beer and chocolate to live harmoniously on the palate. But the most important is to have fun with it. Don’t be afraid to try different things you just might surprise yourself. 

Happy Trails