Friday, May 31, 2013

How We Do Gluten Free

Okay so I get a lot of question about gluten free. Like most bakers and restaurants we do not have a "gluten free kitchen" but we take the following precautions to create a gluten free environment.

1. Dedicated Equipment: We have equipment solely dedicated for gluten free baking. Pans, utensils, measuring cups, etc... 

2. Sanitize: We sanitize every surface from top to bottom before during and after baking.

3. Got To Keep Em Separated: We store gluten free ingredients and equipment separately from non-gluten free items.

4. Gluten Free Bakes First: We bake gluten free first every time. Eliminates airborne and residual flour contamination.

5. Our Gluten Free Mix: We use a proprietary blend Cassava Flour (yucca) and Organic Coconut Flour. We don't like Sorghum flour, it taste and like sh!t in comparison! And why should you have sacrifice taste just because your gluten free? Our gluten free brownies taste just like our regular brownies but sightly more dense. 

6. Shipping wholesale: Once again we ship gluten free brownies in separate containers even though they are individually wrapped and heat sealed.

At BBC we take Celiac disease very seriously and we take every precaution we can. Unfortunately we can never guarantee a gluten free environment. On our labels it says "*not made in a gluten free kitchen" for the consumers safety and ours.  We don't have to put it on there according to FDA but we do anyway. To quote Henry Ford "quality means doing it right when nobodies looking" When talking about BBC the only thing I would change is Integrity for Quality. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps shine some light on how we do gluten free. Happy Eating!

Our Brownies are available at:

More Info on Celiac Disease Visit:


My Allergen Awareness Training Cert. 

Our Dark Chocolate Gluten Free Brownies

Saturday, May 25, 2013


At BBC we do not just sell brownies! We sell a life style! An organic wholesome lifestyle. See the difference from us and everyone else is we are a catering to a person who has a passion for food, music, wine, craft beer, old school mixology and a sense of community. Someone who has appreciation for the effort and time we put into our craft.  We use the best organic ingredients known to man. We support our local businesses and give back to our community. We have participated in Boston Bakes For Breast CancerBoston Bites Back (a chef driven benefit to support The One Fund) and we donate 5% sales to the MSPCA. We also take pride the heritage of the brownie. Did you know that the brownie was first invented in Boston and made its first appearence in the Boston Cooking School Cookbook 1896. We thought it was a shame the brownie was not properly represented in Boston. We thought it was odd to say the least then we looked into it further and came to the conclusion that are so many brownie companies out there that serve a inferior product. A 2 1/2 inch thick brick made from cocoa powder & copious amount of sugar, refined sugar at that! And eggs from a carton! Its no wonder no one could trust in what they were buying. Try our brownies an taste the difference! A difference you can see and taste. Our brownies are available at Savenors Markets and

Monday, May 6, 2013

How to taste Chocolate

If you love chocolate as much as I do then here are some tips to get the most out of your chocolate tasting experience. 

Stay away from chocolate that contains Palm Oil it makes chocolate "waxy". Good chocolate melts evenly & smoothly in  your mouth. 

My favorite producer is TCHO in San Francisco and this is how they recommend to taste chocolate.  Enjoy!

TCHO Chocolate Tips On How To Taste Chocolate:
We take all aspects of chocolate pretty seriously, including the way we taste it! Want to taste like we do? Follow these six steps and prepare to enter a whole new world of chocolate.

1. Look at the color of the chocolate even and consistent? Does it have a shiny finish? Let your mind think about devouring it, before it even touches your lips.

2. Listen Up! Your ears are another tool that can assess the quality of chocolate. Bring the piece of chocolate to your ear, and break it- what do you hear? When you snap a piece of good chocolate into two, listen for a clean, bright, snapping sound.

3. Smell shapes what you taste. Warm up the choco
late a bit by rubbing it in between your fingers -- releasing aromas directly tied to flavor notes. Rub, inhale and note the aromas.

4. Taste your chocolate! But don't chew... just let it melt. Many complex flavor notes can be found in every bite of chocolate, what you taste is completely unique to your palate; there is no wrong answer! So, what do you taste?

5. Feel the texture of the chocolate in your mouth. As it continues to melt, note what it actually feels like. A high quality chocolate will be smooth and silky.

6. Aftertaste, or the end flavor notes of a chocolate can be very different than those in the beginning. It's not uncommon for the flavor and feel of a chocolate to change while tasting. Also, the length, or amount of time, you experience flavor can be an indication of quality as well.